Genevieve (Van Houtum) Weyenberg

Genevieve (Van Houtum) Weyenberg

Genevieve Dorothy Van Houtum was born March 11, 1912 in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Anthony and Gertrude (Van Westenbrugge) Van Houtum. She attended Central High School in Grand Rapids and graduated from Wheaton College in 1933 with a B.S. degree in Mathematics. She entered her junior year from Grand Rapids Junior College. She was a member of the Boethallian Literary Society, and volunteered with the Y.M.C.A. She married Henry Weyenberg and started a family in Holland, Mi.

She was very active in her church in Holland, MI, having taught Sunday school and Bible studies throughout her life. She started a Pioneer Girls chapter in her church. She died on June 23, 1988 in Holland, MI following open heart surgery. She was survived by her husband, Henry; two daughters and one son. Her son-in-law Dr. James E. Mann, married her daughter Dorothy '59, and was Professor of Mathematics at Wheaton College from 1982-2002.

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