Bonnie Crawford Brown

Bonnie Crawford Brown

Bonnie Crawford Brown '14 died on February 4, 1959, in Boston, MA. She had been a missionary to China from 1917 to 1950, when she left under Communist compulsion, having served first as secretary to the president of Canton Christian College in South China and later taught in the Ling Naan High School of that city. She married Rev. Fred Brown in 1922, and together they returned to China to serve under the Episcopal Church, teaching in St. Hilda's school for girls in Hankow. She was active in refugee work and later was interned in a concentration camp in Shanghai for three years, where she organized a nursery school for forty or more children and held teacher-training classes for mothers. In 1951 the Browns began their ministry in St. Mary's Episcopal Church, where Mrs. Brown continued active in many areas until her death. She is survived by her husband, a daughter, adopted son, and her sister Lois Crawford.

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