Hannah Cole

Hannah Cole

Hannah Cole, wife of George Cole, Jr. (1941) died of spinal meningitis on June 19, 1951, at Fulin, China, during a 250-mile walk over the rugged mountains of Western China, enroute to Hong Kong and the United States. The Coles had been missionaries at Hweili, China, with the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society, since 1947. Six months ago, when Communist pressure made missionary work impossible, the Coles asked the Communists for permission to leave. The permit was not granted until June, during the rainy season when travelling is unusually hazardous. The Coles, with their four little children, had made two-thirds of the difficult trek when Mrs. Cole died. She is survived by her husband and four children: George A., 7, Beth, 5, Gary, 2, and Ruth Annabelle, 6 months.

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