Gerald Hunt

Gerald Hunt

Gerald W. Hunt ('12) died suddenly on August 30, 1968, at his home in Cresco, Iowa. He had been a successful lawyer in Guttenberg, Iowa, before moving to Cresco in 1968. During 1933 and 1934 Dr. Hunt was District Governor of Rotary Clubs of Iowa and from 1940 to 1944 was State Senator. He was an unsuccessful candidate for Lieutenant Governor in 1944.

During the 1940s Hunt served on the Iowa Road Study Committee and in 1943-44 was chairman of the Iowa School Code Commission. Later he was chairman of the legislative interim committee which set up the present State Board of Public Instruction. He served as first of that board from 1954 to 1961. 

In 1961, Hunt was named "Man of the Year in Iowa Education" by the Iowa Education Association. In addition his wife, Faith, Hunt was survived by a son, Robert, and a stepson, Lester Fields.