Walter L. Wilson

Walter L. Wilson

The Wheaton College 1942 Fall Evangelist Services were preached by Dr. Walter L. Wilson (1881-1969), physician, writer, businessman and tireless personal evangelist. The 1943 Tower describes him as "Slim, tall-appearing, engaging, a raconteur with an uncanny gift for seeing the story within the story, his messages were like quickly moving pictures, colorful and vivid, portraying the Christ of His gospel." During the first World War Wilson, responding to a request from General Pershing, invented a method for camouflaging tents. Wilson was a graduate of Kansas City Bible College, but was never ordained. His published books include Miracles in a Doctor's Life, Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types, The Romance of a Doctor's Visits, Strange Short Stories, The Doctor's Best Love Story, Let's Go Fishing with the Doctor, A Sure Remedy Prescribed by the Doctor and Remarkable New Stories Told by the Doctor.