Stan Brinkman

Stan Brinkman

D. Stanley Brinkman (1942) died of bular polio on September 1, 1951, in Los Angeles, CA, after a brief illness. He leaves his wife, Shirley Woleben Brinkman (1940) and two children, Danny, 7, and Judy Lynn, 3, in Whitter, CA, where Stan had recently bought a home for them. He is also survived by two brothers and two sisters, three being former Wheaton students: John Keith Brinkman (1941), Eloise Brinkman Rice (1944), and Gladyse Brinkman Lutz (1943). Stan entered the Army Air Corps in February 1943, graduated as Honor Cadet of his class in November, 1943. He was kept at the base in Marianna, FL, as an instructor until transferred to the Air Transport Command. At the time of his death he was employed by Los Angeles Soap company, as an industrial salesman. He was active in San Gabriel Union Church.

Shirley writes, "Stan was really in love with the Lord and has been 'all out' to win souls for Him. We know that there are no accidents in the Christian's life, and accept this as God's will. I pray that our temporary separation will be used for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ whom we both love dearly."