Little Brass Bell

Little Brass Bell

The Little Brass Bell is an aptly named small brass bell trophy that symbolizes the rivalry between Wheaton College and North Central College. The tradition dates back to when the county seat was moved from Naperville to Wheaton 1867. The move of the county seat was bitterly opposed by the people of Naperville, and when the new courthouse was built in Wheaton they refused to let go of the county records. Not to be deterred, a band of Wheaton and Glen Ellyn residents raided the Naperville courthouse one night and stole the county records. Supposedly during this raid the Little Brass Bell was taken along with the records, and after many years the bell wound up as the inheritance of two brothers, one who went to Wheaton College, the other who attended Naperville College (now North Central). The bell became a symbol of rivalry between the schools, and after many years of stealing back and forth the bell was hidden away. It resurfaced in the 1940's at which point it is was adopted as the trophy to be held by the winner of the yearly Wheaton and North Central football game. Since its inception as trophy in 1946 Wheaton has won the Little Brass Bell in 46 of the 61 games.

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