Samuel Schultz

Samuel Schultz

Samuel Jacob Schultz was born in Mountain Lake, MN on June 9, 1914 as the fifth of seven children. He held degrees from Bethel College (Baptist General Conference), John Fletcher College and Faith Seminary, as well as a Masters and Doctorate (1948) from Harvard Divinity School.  He taught Old Testament briefly at Gordon (MA) College, Bethel College and St. Paul Bible College (now Crown College) in MN. An ordained minister, he had a background with the Christian & Missionary Alliance, the Baptist General Conference and more recently with the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. Dr. Schultz served as interim pastor for numerous congregations in the Midwest and in New England. Dr. Schultz taught Old Testament on the  faculty of Wheaton College for 31 years (1949-80), including as chair of the Department of Biblical Studies. He wrote The Old Testament Speaks, a widely-used text translated into 20 languages, first published in 1960 and now in its fifth edition. He wrote several other books, among them The Prophets Speak, Deuteronomy: The Gospel of Love, The Message of the Old Testament"and The Gospel of Moses, as well as numerous Bible commentaries and study helps. The Schultzes relocated to Lexington, MA in the early 1980s where Dr. Schultz continued his 38 years of service as a trustee of nearby Gordon-Conwell Seminary and was also elected to the board of Lexington Christian Academy. Samuel Schultz died June 24, 2005 at 91 in Fort Myers, FL where he and his wife, Eyla, had lived since August 2001.

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