African-American Church Lecture

African-American Church Lecture

African-American Church Lecture




2010 February 22 

Rev. Dr. Walter Arthur McCray 

The Black Church in Koinonia - A view of the African American Church experience, examined from the perspective of a biblically defined and culturally relevant Koinonia, with an emphasis on nurturing its reformation and transformation.  

2009 February 23 

Dr. Anthea Butler 

Engaging the Unrespectable: Sanctification, Civic Engagement, and COGIC Women - An interactive presentation where Dr. Butler presents based on her research on African American Women in the Church of God in Christ - their faith and their involvement in public life.  

2008 February 25 

Dr. J. Kameron Carter 

Race and Modernity: Beyond the Liberal and Conservative Divide - Dr. Carter will present a challenging and interactive Lecture discussing Liberals, Conservatives and the Issue of Race as they are constructed in a post modern world.  

2007 February 5 

Rev. Dr. Dwight Perry 

Affirming Diversity - An interactive Lecture developing a biblical theology of diversity, facilitating an understanding of institutional racism, discussing our own cultural context and concluding with an internationality creating inclusive community. A dynamic lecture for the Church today.  

2006 February 21  

Bishop Donald Hilliard 

I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Holistic Ministry in the Church - An interactive Lecture discussing the scope of ministry concerns in the church in the 21st century. A call to arms regarding ministry that meets the whole person. Pulling from his background in community based ministry, Dr. Hilliard will provide thoughtful insights into the African American church today.  

2005 February 28 

Rev. Phillip Nelson 

The History and Contemporary Trends of African Americans in Missions - An investigation reviewing historical and present participation rates of African Americans in the Missions movement. An emphasis was placed on the need for the African American Church to focus on the unique contributions it has to make in the current movement.  

2004 February 24 

Dr. James Abbington 

Music and Worship in the Churches of African Americans - Interactive Lecture with Performance reflecting the role of Music and challenges of music in the Church today.  

2003 February 24 

Rev. Dr. Willie J. Jennings 

A Difference That Matters: Being Church in Racial America - Critical Analysis of the role of the Church in a culture divided by race.  

2002 February 25 

Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter-McNeil 

The Renewal of the Church in the 21st Century: An African American Perspective - Reflective discussion of the Church focusing on the significant impact of the multiethnic Church on the world. 

2000 February 28 

Dr. William Pannell 

A Tale of Two Preachers: The Ministries of 2 Southern Preachers and their impact on the African American Church - Critical analysis of the impact of Billy Graham and Martin Luther King Jr. on the Black church.  

1999 February 22 

Dr. Howard Jones 

A Look At The African American Church Today - Reflections of the BGEA interaction in the Black evangelical church. 

1998 February 23 

Dr. Jeanne Porter 

Re-Naming & Re-Claiming: Lessons from African American Church History for Contemporary Christians Reviewing concepts of perseverance and faith as foundational to our current Christian growth  

1997 February 24 

Dr. Hycel Taylor 

Christ and His Kingdom on Earth: One Way - The impact of the reconciliation between First Baptist and Second Baptist of Evanston and the push for unity.  

1996 February 26 

Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright 

The Black Church Since World War II: The Invisible Giant - The growth and development of the Black church and the impact on society in terms of facilitating the Black middle class. Addressed new needs for today. 

1995 February 23 

Ms. Sherry Sherrod DuPress 

Adventures in Research: The Black Church - Research on the Black church during the Civil Rights Movement, by analyzing FBI records for their perceived “unpatriotic” behaviors.  

1994 February 24 

Dr. Larry Murphy 

I'm In Charge Here (I Think): The Unfolding of an Oral Historian - Oral historical accounts of the Black church in the 30's - 60's.  

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