

The first instances of the Record appeared in 1875 as the College Record when the Literary Union of Wheaton College started a monthly college paper. Previously there had been several attempts at a college paper, but this version lasted for over ten years. On March 15 of 1890Vol. 1 No. 1 of the official Wheaton College newspaper was presented, and the Record as we know it today began. While the Record has changed much over the years, fluctuating in scope, shape, and size, it has maintained a level of excellence, being awarded many journalistic awards. Currently the Record is published weekly throughout the academic year, covering campus news, events, and general interest topics for the Wheaton College community. The paper is funded by the school and under faculty supervision, but the paper is almost entirely produced through student effort. The Record is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Illinois College Press Association. June of 1900 marked the Record's transition from a faculty to a student-managed publication. In October 1900 it was fully managed by students, running continuously until 1908, languishing due to financial troubles until January 1909.

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