Philip G. Ryken

Dr. Philip Graham Ryken '88 was appointed Wheaton College's eighth president in 2010. Prior to his appointment Ryken was the senior minister of Philadelphia's historic Tenth Presbyterian Church, where he had served since 1995. While at Wheaton Ryken was an English literature and philosophy major, later earning a Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary and a doctorate in historical theology from Oxford University. He has published more than 30 books and Bible commentaries including John Calvin: a heart for devotion, doctrine & doxology (2008) and The church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic (2004). Ryken is a native of Wheaton, Illinois, and the son of longtime Wheaton College English professor Dr. Leland and Mrs. Mary Ryken. Together, Ryken and his wife Lisa Maxwell Ryken '88 have five children.