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In May 1956 the Wayside "Inn," then a women's residence ( on Irving St., north of the Graduate School (former Academy, now Schell Hall), wasrazed was razed to prepare for the constructionof construction of a 25-bed infirmary. Construction began in October and was completed just over a year later. On December 30, 1957 the Health Center opened for service. Named for Dr. Clarence Wyngarden who served as the college physicianand physician and surgeon from 1940 to 1976. A member of the class of 1932, his interest in sports and his positionas team doctor made him a common sight on the sidelines of many games. At times his support was too enthusiastic as when the football team waspenalized was penalized for Dr. Wyngarden's "loud protestations." In his honor the Health Center wasrenamed was renamed upon his retirement. Afterwards, Dr. Paul Groen assumed theroll the roll of staff physician.