Index to the Record, 1951 (May)
Date | Subject (Personal Name or Topic) | Column or Section | Topic or Title |
1951 May 3 | Lorraine Hoey | front page | Girls Worry, Scrub For Spring Banquets |
1951 May 3 | Elmer Wolfenden and Leighton Ford | front page | Finalists Reveal Platforms |
1951 May 3 | Huane Engholm | front page | Faculty Approves Plans for Activities |
1951 May 3 | Peter Lehrecke | front page | German Student to Speak At Campus Forum program |
1951 May 3 | Foreign Missionary Fellowship | front page | FMFers Elect Fox President, Select Half of Cabinet Board |
1951 May 3 | Leighton Ford and Elmer Wolfenden | front page | Voters Choose Ford, Wolfenden To Compete in Presidential Race |
1951 May 3 | World Relief | front page | World Relief Nets $520 for Missions |
1951 May 3 | Karl Milsson | front page | Nilsson Undergoes Major Operation |
1951 May 3 | Enock C. Dyrness | front page | Air Force Rejects Bid for ROTC Training Unit |
1951 May 3 | registration | front page | Over 400 Preregister for Courses In Inter-Session, Summer School |
1951 May 3 | V. Raymond Edman | front page | Panel of 3 Honors VRE in Assembly |
1951 May 3 | Jay McCully | front page | MSC to Highlight Community Day |
1951 May 3 | May Festival | front page | Phys Ed Departments Give May Festival Performance |
1951 May 3 | Student council | front page | Council to Name Freshman Leaders |
1951 May 3 | John A. Mackay | front page | Princeton Seminary Prexy Speaks To Wheatonites at Local Church |
1951 May 3 | Community Day | editorial | Reward Offered |
1951 May 3 | Alma Mater | editorial | Gentle Hint |
1951 May 3 | Elections | editorial | Can You Top This? |
1951 May 3 | Korean War, Great Britain, Truman, Iran | voices | Reds Lose May Day Offensive |
1951 May 3 | Esther Joy Pearce | voices | Nurse Starts Small Riots |
1951 May 3 | Roy Aldrich, Student Council | letters to the editor | Aldrich Protests Ruthless Gossip |
1951 May 3 | baseball | sports | Pfundmen Take 1 in 3, Seek League Victory |
1951 May 3 | tennis | sports | Netmen to Play Pair of Matches |
1951 May 3 | intramurals, WAA | sports | Intramural Tennis Tops WAA Final Sports List |
1951 May 3 | tennis | sports | Women to Take on North Park Netters |
1951 May 3 | Dave Patterson | sports | Time Out! |
1951 May 3 | track | sports | Runners Win Dual, Fall in Drake Meet |
1951 May 3 | golf | sports | Cardinals Down Wheaton Golfers |
1951 May 3 | WETN | news | Station to Change to 640 Kilocycles |
1951 May 3 | art majors, memorial student center | news | Majors to Display Paintings in MSC |
1951 May 3 | clubs | news | See You There |
1951 May 3 | Phyllis Holzwarth | news | Powers to Prezent Holzwarth as Pianist in Senior Concert |
1951 May 3 | Geology | news | 4 Groups Make Field Trip to Dells |
1951 May 3 | Lits | news | Societies Sponsor Banquet, Silverware Demonstration |
1951 May 3 | House Bill 490, V. Raymond Edman | news | Prexy Sends Support of Bill to Legislators |
1951 May 10 | Community Day, chapel choir | front page | Choir to Present Community Day Finale |
1951 May 10 | Campus Forum | front page | Campus Forum Begins Series of News Films |
1951 May 10 | art majors, memorial student center | front page | Senior Art Exhibit Opens in Center |
1951 May 10 | Phils | front page | Phils Give Pink Parade, Honor Engaged Women |
1951 May 10 | Community Day | front page | College Welcomes Townspeople; McCully Reveals Saturday's Plans |
1951 May 10 | Artist series | front page | Cossacks Begin Artist Program for Next Year |
1951 May 10 | student council | front page | Classes Elect New Officers |
1951 May 10 | Karl Nilsson | front page | Nilsson Improves after Operation |
1951 May 10 | interfaith policy | front page | Council Considers Trustee Action |
1951 May 10 | military exams | front page | Exam Deadline Nears |
1951 May 10 | Foreign Missions Fellowship | front page | Cook to Talk at FMF on Mission Boards |
1951 May 10 | Comprehensive Exams | front page | Seniors to Write Last Half of Comps |
1951 May 10 | Chapel | front page | Wheatonites to Speak in 4 Chapel Services |
1951 May 10 | Elmer Wolfenden, Student council | front page | Wolfenden Triumphs in Election |
1951 May 10 | Record | front page | 'Recorders' Take Course |
1951 May 10 | Earle Cairns | news | Professor Includes Survey of Wheaton in New Textbook |
1951 May 10 | student council | editorial | Bigger Handfuls |
1951 May 10 | humor | editorial | The Story of Henry Klpfb |
1951 May 10 | class activities | editorial | Avoid the Hangman |
1951 May 10 | Albert Bruce Phillips | voices | Many-Tilted Miser Escapes Bizarre Ferris Wheel Death |
1951 May 10 | John Stam, Ron Carlson, John Shenk, John Younker | letters to the editor | Stam Urges SMile Epidemic; Students Discuss Election |
1951 May 10 | Korean War, MacArthur, Israel, Syria | voices | Mac Neglects World |
1951 May 10 | John A. Mackay, Christianity | news | Mackay Condemns Failure of Christians as 'Betrayal' |
1951 May 10 | George L. Bate | news | Prof Takes Leave for Grad Study |
1951 May 10 | Library | news | Library Builders Board Roof, Work on Gables |
1951 May 10 | Chicago Motor Club | news | Youth Attend Annual Picnic |
1951 May 10 | Lits | news | Lit Societies Plan Banquets, Voting |
1951 May 10 | Memorial Student Center | news | Fund Total Shows Over $13,000 Due |
1951 May 10 | Dick Reed, Nolan Huizenga | news | Reed to Present Senior Recital; Huizenga Gives Junior Program |
1951 May 10 | House Bill 490 | news | Legislators Defeat House Animal Bill |
1951 May 10 | baseball, Fred Wren | sports | Prediction Fails as Wren Succeeds |
1951 May 10 | Golf | sports | Golfers Face Illini after First Victory |
1951 May 10 | WAA | sports | State WAA to Hold Meeting at College |
1951 May 10 | Dave Patterson | sports | Time Out! |
1951 May 10 | track | sports | Elmhurst Invitation Draws Thinclads after 1/3 Point Loss |
1951 May 10 | tennis | sports | Coeds Spill Cards, Vie in State Meet |
1951 May 10 | Tennis | sports | Netters Split Tilts, Engage Pier, Jays |
1951 May 10 | baseball | sports | Crusader Nine Tops Pair of Foes, Battles 3 Conference Opponents |
1951 May 10 | Tower | news | Carnell to Introduce '51 'Tower' Thursday |
1951 May 10 | Wheaton Graduate Seminary | news | Seminarians Banquet in St. Charles Hotel |
1951 May 10 | clubs | news | See You There |
1951 May 10 | Jay McCully | news | McCully Speaks in Finals of Hearst Oratory Contest |
1951 May 10 | Carl DeVries | news | Instructor Receives Government Aid |
1951 May 10 | Chemistry majors | news | Majors Participate in Chem Meeting |
1951 May 10 | Class Activities | news | Student Board Announces Rules for Class Activities |
1951 May 17 | class trips | front page | Classes Plan Trips to Mexico, North |
1951 May 17 | Billy Graham, graduation | front page | Graham to Talk at Graduation; 283 Earn Degrees |
1951 May 17 | Senior sneak | front page | Seniors Keep, Set Traditions |
1951 May 17 | military exams | front page | Examiners Extend Date |
1951 May 17 | Faith Dugan, Dorothy Hurst | front page | Hurst, Dugan Give Dual Junior Recital |
1951 May 17 | graduate school | front page | Grads Form Council, Choose Committee |
1951 May 17 | Foreign Missions Fellowship | front page | Kuhn to Address FMFers in Last Meeting of Year |
1951 May 17 | clubs | front page | See You There |
1951 May 17 | Student council | front page | Council Picks 5 Chairmen, Plans Elections |
1951 May 17 | Bud DeVries, Bud Gray | front page | 2 'Buds' Head Rival Classes |
1951 May 17 | Moody Chorale | front page | Chorale to Present Sacred Classics |
1951 May 17 | Kalr Nilsson | front page | Program to Boost Nilsson Gift Fund |
1951 May 17 | Chapel | front page | Ohio Pastor Talks in Chapel Service |
1951 May 17 | concert band | front page | Platz Leads 60 Players in Spring Program |
1951 May 17 | sports | front page | Crusader Squads to Vie for CCI Crowns in Weekend's 3-Sport League Tournament |
1951 May 17 | Kodon | front page | Final 'Kodon' to Feature 'Love at First Fight' |
1951 May 17 | track | sports | Thinclads Trail Ramblers at Elmhurst Invitational |
1951 May 17 | golf | sports | Golfers Claim Second Win |
1951 May 17 | intramurals | sports | Carter Spills Smith for Ping-Pong Crown |
1951 May 17 | tennis | sports | Women Blank Teachers; Face North Park Netters |
1951 May 17 | tennis | sports | Netmen Conquer Navy Pier, Jays |
1951 May 17 | baseball | sports | Crusaders Aim for CCI Pennant after Wesleyan, Cardinal Wins |
1951 May 24 | Tuition | front page | Year's Tuition - $36 |
1951 May 24 | Robert A. Walker, W. Wyeth Willard | front page | Walker, Willard to Leave Wheaton Faculty in June |
1951 May 24 | Dare Day, Senior Sneak | front page | Juniors Take Lead in Dare Day Tilt; '51 Sneaks Away |
1951 May 24 | oratory contest | front page | 6 Students Vie in Cook Contest |
1951 May 24 | Honey Rock, Black Hills | front page | Summer Camps Draw 42 |
1951 May 24 | Tower | front page | 'Tower' Editor Names 1952 Staff |
1951 May 24 | Campus forum | front page | Forum Shows 2 Films on War Background |
1951 May 24 | Karl Nilsson | front page | Program Aids Nilsson Fund |
1951 May 24 | Lost and Found | front page | Lost and Found to Hold Spring Rummage Sale |
1951 May 24 | Chapel | front page | Pastor, Missionary Give Week's Chapel Talks |
1951 May 24 | Band | front page | New Chimes, Horns to Highlight Band's Spring Concert Saturday |
1951 May 24 | military exams | front page | College Gives Service Test |
1951 May 24 | Student Council | front page | Board Sells Texts |
1951 May 24 | Paul Robbins, Washington Banquet | front page | Robbins to Serve as WB Chairman |
1951 May 24 | senior class | front page | 172 Seniors Find Persistence Pays |
1951 May 24 | Charles Reeder | front page | reeder Receives Award in Special Presentation |
1951 May 24 | campus problems | editorial | Don't Forget |
1951 May 24 | picture of the week | letters to the editor | 'Print that Photo' Demand Seniors |
1951 May 24 | Alvera Johnson | voices | Studies, Journalism Ensnare Bookweary School Teacher |
1951 May 24 | Korean War, Iran, Israel, Syria | voices | Troops Home Soon? Reds Hint at Peace |
1951 May 24 | tennis | sports | Netters Finish Third in CCI, Face Alumni |
1951 May 24 | intramurals | sports | Lits, Classes Vie on Cinder Track in IM Finale |
1951 May 24 | tennis | sports | Women's Net Team Meets Chicago Teachers College |
1951 May 24 | baseball | sports | Nine Collects First Championship in 18 Years as Cardinals Fall 16-0 |
1951 May 24 | track | sports | Crusaders Claim Fifth Track Title in Little Nine, Fall to Chanute Field |
1951 May 24 | tennis | sports | Tennis Tourney to End Women's Sport Activity |
1951 May 24 | Record, Vaughn Shoemaker | news | Shoemaker to Speak at 'Record' Banquet |
1951 May 24 | Memorial student center | news | Donors Give $4017 in Drive |
1951 May 24 | clubs | news | See You There |
1951 May 24 | Genive Smith, Don Gilchrist | news | 2 Juniors to Give Combined Recital |
1951 May 24 | horsemanship | news | Wheaton to Sponsor Student Horse Show |
1951 May 24 | Kodon | news | 'Kodon' Picnics at Lagoon |
1951 May 24 | West African Broadcasting | news | Station Announces Broadcasting Plan |
1951 May 24 | Lits | news | Lits End Year's Meetings; Bows, Aels Turn Informal |
1951 May 31 | summer | front page | Some Will Work, Others Loaf |
1951 May 31 | graduation, Lester Groom | front page | Groom to Improvise in Graduation Recital |
1951 May 31 | graduation | front page | Grad Guests Hear Recital, Concerts |
1951 May 31 | graduation | front page | 279 Receive Arts Diplomas at Annual Commencement |
1951 May 31 | oratory contest | front page | Nystrom Announces Cook Oratory Victors |
1951 May 31 | Joseph P. Free, archaeology | front page | Wheaton Sponsors Excavation |
1951 May 31 | student council | front page | Council Adds 2 Delegates |
1951 May 31 | V. Raymond Edman, Memorial Student Center | front page | Edman to Dedicate Center in Service |
1951 May 31 | essay contest | front page | Frosh Take Prizes in Essay Contest |
1951 May 31 | Red cross | front page | College to Donate Blood |
1951 May 31 | Student Council | front page | New Student Council Elects Fall Officers, Plans 2-Day Retreat before Registration |
1951 May 31 | V. Raymond Edman, Merril C. Tenney, Carl Armerding | front page | 3 Profs to Speak in Summer Camps |
1951 May 31 | Blanchard | front page | School to Assign Rooms |
1951 May 31 | summer | editorial | Get It and Give It Away |
1951 May 31 | Earl Roe | voices | 'Skid' Pursues Hilarious Life Through Childhood, Army |
1951 May 31 | Karl Nilsson | editorial | Reporter Finds Karl Happy |
1951 May 31 | Israel, Syria, Iran, Korean War | voices | Jews, Arabs Imperil West; UN TRoops Whip Chinese |
1951 May 31 | sports | sports | Crusaders' 3 CCI Titles Highlight '50-'51 Play |
1951 May 31 | golf | sports | Linksmen Drop Fourth |
1951 May 31 | Dave Patterson | sports | Time Out! |
1951 May 31 | track | sports | Frosh Score 85 1/2 to Sweep Track Contest |
1951 May 31 | Wheaton Academy | news | Prep Chorus to Give Program at College |
1951 May 31 | Record | news | Hutter Tells Fall Positions |
1951 May 31 | summer school | news | 418 Students Take Summer Courses |
1951 May 31 | Harv Chrouser | news | Chrouser Announces Swimming Instruction |
1951 May 31 | V. Raymond Edman | news | Edman to Lead 3 Services |
1951 May 31 | Dave Howard, graduate school | news | Grads Select Howard First Council Prexy |
1951 May 31 | Garry McCracken, Ginny Raedeke, Carl Cassel | news | Vocal Clubs Pick McCracken, Cassel, Raedeke Presidents |
1951 May 31 | Library | news | Students to Get Library for '51 Christmas Gift |
1951 May 31 | H. William Nordin | news | Nordin Receives Doctors Degree from University |
1951 May 31 | sports | news | Athletes to Join Sports Honorary |
1951 May 31 | Memorial Student Center, Student Union | news | Fall Plans Include Newsreels in MSC |
1951 May 31 | Merrill C. Tenney | news | New Tenney Book to Appear in Summer, Publisher Reveals |
1951 May 31 | Robert Baptista | news | Baptista to Join Staff of Phys Ed Instructors |
1951 May 31 | clubs | news | See You There |