Beginning in the mid-1970s when Art Rupprecht and Jerry |
Hawthorne joined a group of their very interesting and interested Greek |
students late on Friday afternoons in the Stupe. The week's classes were over and it was time to relax with a free |
cup of coffee — they arrived just at closing time when the staff were |
about to throw the remaining coffee down the drain. It was theirs for |
the taking. Faculty and students spent time thinking through |
some theological issues, talking about baseball or fishing, or |
discussing some difficult Greek passage, telling a few jokes, and |
generally enjoying each others company and insights. Soon others wanted to join. So it became a weekly feature, but it was too large and often |
too raucous to continue meeting in a corner booth of the Stupe. |
chapels chedule was implemented with chapel to be held weekly on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays — leaving Wednesday at 10:30 free |
when faculty and students had no officially scheduled meetings. So |
Wednesday became the new day. Now all that was needed was a place. John Ortberg, speaking for his housemates, offered Windsor House as the |
newly designated place of meeting. It was agreed that faculty would |
provide the donuts and the Windsor men would provide the coffee. |
Occasionally, one of the faculty would fudge a little on the donut buying, for one |
oft hem was caught slipping across to Windsor house early, to heat up |
a day-old coffee cake for the coffee hour. |
men assigned to that house wanted us to continue, which the faculty |
were only too happy to do. Windsor House, which was adjacent to |
Buswell Library, continued to be a place of meeting for students from all |
parts of the world, faculty from all disciplines — a great amalgam |
of students and faculty. Discussions were lively and sometimes |
even heated, but always argued with passion, if not always with reason. Everyone present could not help learning something he (all men in |
those days) had not known before–those were great times together. |
the time that particular Kay House group of men were ready to move on |
via graduation to their higher calling, the new "pharaoh knew not Joseph. "So no successive invitation was extended from that house. When |
that moment of desperation came, however, many of our student friends |
were awarded Hidden House as their next year's domicile, and with one |
voice they beckoned us to come and join them at their home each |
Wednesday morning as usual. The tradition kept going and growing. |
This pleasurable and profitable welcome break from the routine bustle |
of academic life continued unabated for more than a decade. |
changed again. The new schedule had it fall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Not wishing to flaunt chapel, nor to encourage undesirable behavior on the students' part, |
the majority of the faculty regulars decided that all who wished could |
come to Jerry Hawthorne's office (on the second floor of Wyngarden |
Health Center) at the traditionally designated time. As many as 15- |
18 professors from the departments of literature, language, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, communication and the sciences |
crammed into that small office for the weekly repast of coffee and donuts. |
Here, the late and beloved Dr. Joe |
Mc Clatchey delighted to come as long as |
he was alive; it was he who dubbed this place and this congregation, "Jerry's Pub," a name it still holds. Jerry Hawthorne died August 3, 2010. |